Interested in Becoming a Steward?
GEO stewards will:
Develop relationships with other graduate employees in their department/program/building.
This includes developing a knowledge of workers' concerns and values in their positions, their attitudes toward the union, and the individual skills fellow workers could possibly lend to GEO in mutually beneficial ways.
Make themselves available to other graduate employees in their department/program.
Best practice is to establish and make known an "office hour" for GEO availability, either virtual or in-person. What's important is that when workers have a concern about their professional and financial relationships with MSU, they should know how they can bring it up with their steward.
Help recruit new GEO members.
We expect that stewards attend recruitment events, especially during new student orientation for each department. We also hope that stewards can recruit at least one new member a semester.
Remain in communication with GEO's Vice President.
At least once a semester the VP will hold a Steward Council meeting. Every month stewards will be asked to share an update. Stewards are welcome to email the VP any time a pressing issue arises or a department event comes up. Steward work continues to be rewarded by free GEO membership. Active GEO stewards have their GEO dues reimbursed each semester they serve.
If your department does not yet have a steward and you would like to serve in this position, please email or fill out the form below.
Stewards Needed In:
Econ & Ag Econ
Animal/Range Sciences
American Studies
American Indian Rural Health Equity
Center for Biofilm Engineering
Civil Engineering
Earth Science
Electrical Engineering
Food Systems, Nutrition, & Kinesiology
Grad School
History & Philosophy
Human Dev & Community Health
MT Coop Fisheries
Native American Studies
Dining Halls
Film & Photography
Spectrum Lab