Treasurer Description
As outlined in article IV, section 4 of our Union’s constitution, the Treasurer shall:
1. Maintain the funds of the GEO, disburse them upon authorization, and maintain records of receipts and disbursements.
2. Prepare financial reports.
3. Chair the Organizing Committee. NOTE: Currently, the Central Committee is not operating with a dedicated organizing committee.
4. Serve as fourth local affiliate delegate to governance bodies of MFPE, NEA, and AFT.
5. Perform such other duties as delegated by the president.
In practice, these duties entail keeping a detailed log of all financial expenditures, disbursing payment directly to domestic student leaders, coordinating with the graduate school to disburse scholarships to our international student leaders, filing taxes with the IRS, and producing budgets and budget projections that inform business decisions concerning the direction of the Union.