Vice-President Description
As outlined in Article IV, Section 2 of our Union’s constitution, the Vice President shall
Chair the Grievance Committee. (NOTE: Currently, the Central Committee is not operating with a dedicated grievance committee)
Chair the Steward Council.
Serve as second local affiliate delegate to governance bodies of MFPE, NEA, and AFT.
Perform such other duties as delegated by the president.
The GEO Vice President's most consistent responsibility is maintaining and coordinating GEO's representatives in departments and programs, who are known as stewards in union terminology.
The VP is also charged with overseeing how GEO attends to specific cases of grad workers encountering issues with their contracts. This tends to involve simply initiating a fact-finding process.
Occasionally, the VP will be asked to serve as a representative of GEO as delegated by, or alongside, the president.
The VP is regularly involved in other GEO activities as circumstances arise.